February 22, 2009

My Loom Has Seen Better Days

look at my loom! its all scratched up and falling apart!

and while i'm knitting, i have to occasionally push some pegs more firmly in. they seem to be a bit wiggly and coming a bit loose. they haven't completely fallen out yet. when that happens, i'm gonna bring out the good 'ole super glue and put them back it. the green round kk loom has already lost the anchor peg. i just found it under the couch a few days ago. i glued that back in. the yellow round loom is all scratched up too. i think i heard somewhere that you're suppose to laquer or put clear nail polish on the pegs when you first get the looms to make it last longer. i think its time for a new set...

The Newest Baby Blanket

yup, i went and lost my mind and decided to start another baby blanket. this one i'm doing on the small round blue kk loom. i'm using Vanna's Choice yarn in brown and green. i bought 4 skeins of each color, so i better not run out! this time, i'm doing five or six long panels which i'm gonna seam together. don't ask me how. i was thinking about trying to crochet them. or maybe a mattress seam, although i'm not good at either of them. i could also do an i-cord and seam the panels to that. i'm sorta thinking of doing something big and chunky in black yarn so if it comes out too bad, it won't look that obvious.
don't mind the color in this pic. i don't know why it looks so washed out.

i'm just doing a flat knit stitch. its the easiest and fastest thing. but i'm playing around with the idea of doing something different for the two middle panels. we'll see how long it takes me to get these other panels done first and then i'll decide. i took this pic a few days ago. i'm done with this panel now. i'm just stuck on the bind off.

so far i've run across one major problem besides the question of how i'm going to seam it together. how am i gonna get the cast on and cast offs to look the same?! i did a cable cast on. looks like this:

it kinda reminds me of the chunky braid stitch. from all my research, there isn't a cable cast off. so now i'm stuck with two options. either i can do a different bind off on the bottom and just have two looks. or i can do a flat panel bind off and have a curly top and a straight bottom. it will give the blanket an obvious top and bottom, which would be kinda cool. i may just do that. i'm just waiting to hear back from the people on the loom list on yahoo. a lot of them are much more experienced loomers than me and i'm sure they'll have better ideas.

UFO's and New Looms

okay. i still haven't finished that baby blanket. i did more work on it, but then i stopped and went on to something else. and i never finished that sock. again, i did more work on it, but then i got distracted. it looks like i'm not gonna be much good at long term projects! in the mean time, i started two more projects. i'm doing a skinny scarf for my sister with that bernat shimmer yarn in brown. well, i sorta put it down to start on another project. i'm actually doing it on the efg wonder sock loom on the other end from where the sock is, so i've got two UFOs on that loom! and i'm working on another baby blanket! yeah, that's right, ANOTHER baby blanket! but this time i'm doing panels, but i'll do another post about that with pics. but anyways, i really really want to finish up that other first blanket, but i don't like it anymore! its really thick and heavy cause its double stitched on the long loom. its tedious to do a row and awkward because of the shape of the loom. now that i know more about looming, i'll never do a blanket that way again. but now i'm stuck with this unfinished thing on my loom that's been warped out of shape cause its been on there so long! i don't want to finish it! but i have too, because i won't be able to do two blankets in the time i have left! so my plan is to put my all into finishing up this newest blanket first. my friend is due may 14th (two days after my birthday!) then finish up that other blanket for my other friend who's due in july. i may just make the side panels in a single stitch and just have a bulkier middle. here's a link to the post about that other blanket, in case you forgot. as for that sock...i really don't know. i've had too many bad turns with that Kitchener stitch! yeah, i had another incident that i just couldn't write about. lets just say i got so angry i almost broke my blue round loom. i know, i know. very childish. in hindsight, i am very ashamed of myself. but i really don't want to go near that stitch again for a while.
i actually just bought two looms second-hand off a fellow member of the dalooms list on yahoo. one is a fine gauge mini wonderloom. i'll probably try another sock on that. it may be a bit easier and faster cause its a slightly larger gauge. i also bought a ten inch authentic knitting board off of her. she was selling them at really great prices! only $30 for the mini wonderloom and $15 for the knitting board!!!! isn't that great!!!! now i'll have more looms to put my UFOs on! LOL!