January 4, 2009

Kitchener Stitch Nightmare

okay y'all. i'm a little upset so this post will be brief cause i don't want to talk about it!!! anyways, i was working on a beautiful sock-slipper for my friend for Christmas. i'm already late with the present. i'm already in a rush. i get the first sock done and i decide to go ahead and use the Kitchener stitch to close the toe, cause the sock is pretty bulky and nothing else will look right. but i don't have knitting needles. no problem, i'll follow the directions on the http://www.loomknittinghelp.com/ website, which gives direction for how to do a Kitchener stitch right off the loom. but i get confused. and i loose track of which way i last put the needle. and a few loops fall of the peg as i pass the yarn through them. and my yarn is too short so i have to do a knot to to attach more yarn. which makes the yarn a b$#%h to pull through. and what do i end up with? a big tangled mess of a seam that looks NOTHING like the Kitchener stitch and a ruined sock. i was so upset i almost cried. back to square one.


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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link for the kitchener stitch for the loom on your blog. I am doing my first pair of tube socks and was thinking how a gathered toe would be uncomfortable. Love your blog and found the link to it from the loom class on yahoo. Have a great day.

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